Exploring pockets of the future, today

I often talk about my work as creating bubbles of the future world I want to see in the here and now.

This blog is a place for me to dig more into what those bubbles feel like, and what they mean. I want to explore and challenge my own thinking about how change happens and how we can act into the world we want to see.

What kind of world is it that I want to see? A more just, liberated one. A world where us as humans are in right relationship with each other and the ecosystems that sustain us. A world where regenerative, reparative relationships to each other, to technology in all its forms and to the land and our more than human kin are the norm.

There's a universe in all of this, though, and I want to take the time to dig in. As a sci-fi fan I'm deeply inspired by adrienne maree brown's statement that “all organising is science fiction”, and I want to look at my work and the work of people I admire through that lens.

I also want a space that will act as a safe reflecting space for me – one away from the noise and posturing of LinkedIn, and the nagging distractions of Medium. I’m expecting that this will cover everything from reflections on organisational development and facilitation strategies to the true meaning of baking bread, but let’s see what emerges…

#worldview #gettingstarted