The land knows what it wants

There is a place, comfortably settled on the top of a hill near Matlock, where the seeds of a renaissance in our relationship to land are being sown.

High Leas Farm is home to Woven Earth, a project seeking to re-embed humans in the landscape. It’s a holistic restoration project that weaves together Regenerative Production, Wilding and Nature Connection.

“Holistic Restoration seeks to reunite people and the more-than-human world.  It acknowledges that we are a part of nature and that by engaging in our forgotten ecological roles we can heal ecosystems as well as supporting ourselves and others to be happier and healthier.”

This is super exciting to me. So much talk of rewilding implies that we humans are separate from nature, and often directly dangerous to it. What’s exciting to me in the approach at Woven Earth is the recognition that humans are actually a keystone species in the landscape, and that therefore we are part of the future of the land, not just its past.

I was lucky enough to be invited to be part of a group that met at the farm at the beginning of July, exploring what it would mean to re-learn interdependence with the land. There was a real range of people there, from academics to agricultural specialists to psychologists to eco-linguists, and it felt like everyone was hungry for some real in-depth conversations with what it might really mean to belong to the land.

I hope there’s more of this to come, but for now, some of my key reflections are:

A bubble of possibility, up a hill, regenerating and restoring much more than the land.